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About Sommelier Wine Courses:

All levels of our WSET courses are tutored by WSET Level 4 Diploma holders plus WSET Certified Educator
Extended learning time in order to achieve better learning outcome
Extra and better tasting samples are selected and used in our WSET courses in order to achieve better learning outcome
You will learn beyond the textbook and a lot more practical knowledge will be delivered in class
Discussion group will be formed for each level 3 class hosted by your tutor for continuous and better learning experience

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Why Study WSET Level 3 at Sommelier:

The WSET Level 3 at our school has the following features:

- All the wine Level 3 courses are taught by Mr. Matt Hui
- The longest learning hours in Hong Kong, a total of 20 lessons and 60 hours
- The most wines used for in-class tasting in Hong Kong, no less than 126 samples
- The pass rate has been far higher than the global average for many years, at around 90%

本校WSET Level 3 有以下幾個特點

- 全部葡萄酒Level 3 課程由資深導師Matt Sir 教授
- 全港最長學習時數,一共20堂共60小時
- 全港最多上課用的葡萄酒,一共不少於126款
- 多年遠高於全球合格率,大約接近九成

Please click HERE for more information and online enrollment